Monday 21 September 2015


This first week, our plan will be very basic. I'm assuming everyone is starting from naught, not doing any physical activity, or taking care of your food intake, because I definitely am not!
I laze around at home, roll in bed all day like a pig. I need to know others are like me!
So I've been out of the habit, and mostly everyone must be at beginner level.
Let's take this week to just fuel up and prepare for the oncoming weeks where everything from our diet to our workouts will kick ass!
I just want you all to make very few changes in your current daily routine.
There are just four things you need to be doing this week:

1. Avoid All Sugar
2. Eat 5 meals a day
3. Drink Green Tea
4. Exercise.

1. SUGAR- Diabetes, Mood swings, addiction, heart disease, obesity, slow metabolism, ALL caused by consuming sugar.
Replace with honey, agave nectar, stevia (I do honey).
This is the best thing you can do for yourself in the long run.

2. EAT 5 MEALS A DAY- Eat whatever you want, whatever you can. Don't count calories or anything. Just eat. Eat breakfast, beg your mom to give you lunch, go out and get some, or order whatever, but just eat.

3. GREEN TEA- Have 2-3 cups daily. Hot or cold, however you like.
I love mine with honey and lemon. You can add ginger too. You can basically add whatever you like.

4. EXERCISE- This is making your body get used to what you'll be up to next week. Building stamina, improving mood, metabolism and teaching you discipline (we all need that).
Get your clothes off the treadmill and dry them somewhere else, bring the cross trainer out of the store room, get your cycle out of the garage, clean it out, stock your playlist and get to work.
I want you to work out for 30 minutes every day. Early morning, evening, whatever, whenever.
Just get on it, and work.
Go swimming, do in place jogging, take your dogs for a (fast) walk, climb up and down the stairs,  if not, then just step up and down one step like aerobics, get your old aerobics class moves into action, do some squats, do some jumping jacks, and if nothing else, switch on Bollywood mode, and dance like crazy. Make sure you do this when your doors are closed so as to keep others alive.
You can belly dance, you can watch a video and follow it, you can do whatever you like.
I dont care what you do, if you look like a fool, just move. If you stand in one place snapping your fingers calling it movement, imagine me punching your face.
You need to push yourself. Make your heart race!
Just 30 mins. It's 2% of your day.

Apart from these things, remember whenever you're starting this, weigh yourself early morning, after you go to the bathroom, before you eat anything.
Weight is not a good indicator of progress, so measure your body. A chart will be provided in another post. To me, this is the most important measure.
Also, check your bmi. This is important as you can learn how fit you are depending on your height!
Keep your water intake in check, drink 3-4 litres a day to not burn out,
And drink a glass of water or warm lemon honey within 15 mins of waking up.

Baby steps, big improvements!
Now that you're aware of the basics, lets begin!
May your fat be replaced by luck! :D