Sunday, 27 September 2015

I've gained weight and I don't want to lose it

Lets be honest here. We're not losing anything but time.
We're sneaking in chocolates when no one's looking, attending birthday parties and half heartedly protesting against eating the cake that we
shove into our mouth first chance we get, because well, it's a birthday. We're eyeing our friend's sugar laden iced mocha frappe with extra whipped cream
and chocolate sauce, pretending not to look at our own sugar free black coffee/green tea/decaf herbal tea as if that would make it disappear.
We're all doing it.

This was week 1. We were supposed to go sugar free and eat in abundance and ignite our rapturous metabolisms with green tea and change our lives and our worlds.
But there was some fasting, and eid celebrations involved. There were some ganpati festivities to attend. There were a hell of a lot of birthdays; hello September.
And so, for many of us, week 1 was a disaster. Good thing it wasn't too hard. Which makes me wonder what fate awaits us all in future.
All I did the whole week, was watch criminal minds on my laptop, roll in bed, hunt for chocolates and eat them alone. I skipped meals, I didn't eve look at  green
tea. I basically led the life of a wild animal. Hunting, gathering, hibernating. Now someone shoot me.

I've gained almost as much weight as I had initially lost. This time last year, I started with replacing my three hour strict workouts with rest periods. I had recently started taking
anti anxiety medications which were giving me headaches. And I had to let them go away. Days turned into months. Slowly, the diet started getting out of hand.
Shifting from India to Saudi Arabia, gave me access to unlimited food, of every kind, at all times. Indulgences turned into necessity. I did start working out
again, but never as strictly. I got back to a healthy balanced diet, but everything went down the drain with ramadan, and the abundance of food that it brings,
along with forceful relatives who pretend to be offended if you dont eat enough to burst at your seems. Of course. Then I joined work. Erratic timings, too much
work, no time for healthy eating or working out. Followed by a month long vacation in India, where I ate everything from bachpan ki yaadein to nani ka pyaar to
outside food. I wanted to enjoy my vacation and not think about weight, I knew I could lose it when I got back.
But I'm back. And I don't want to lose the weight, but I want my fit body back.
I've convinced myself I don't need new clothes because I didn't fit in my thin sizes when I went shopping.
I haven't picked up the contour brush yet, but I've brainwashed myself into thinking I look better when I'm chubby.
I have even gone to the extent of making fun of people right back when they call me fat, instead of feeling ashamed or feeling determined to change it.
The word 'MOTI' has returned into my life, and I do not give a flying fish.
I am bigger than most of my friends, and some new ones don't recognize me from the thin pictures, but I remain unfazed, wading my way, open mouthed,
through a sea of junk food and immobility.
My goals were to have abs by the end of this year.
And now I've gained too much weight for that to happen.
Is this my fault? Despite the long list of excuses, yes. Absolutely.
Could it have been prevented? Yes. Gaining weight shows dereliction from proper diet and activity.
Is it okay to be fat? Yes. But it's not okay to take your health for granted, to neglect yourself, to put yourself in poor health, be weak, to look bad,
to not take care of yourself, pretend like you don't care about your appearance, to act like you love food more than you love running on the treadmill, to
try to justify to yourself that life can still be fun, that I'm still happy, I've got people who love me despite my weight, and to put myself last.
It's not okay.
This was never about other people in the first place.
It started with appearance, with wanting to look better, thinner, hotter. To have the kind of body people wish for. Then it started feeling good.
Looks took a back seat. Then it was all about the feeling. It makes you feel accomplished. It's a victory. It's a hard thing you're doing. But you're
doing it for you. You have endorphins flowing in your veins with all the exercise. You feel amazing, although you're drenched in sweat. You know you're
better than the others complaining about their huge butt while just sitting on it. You know you're better than you were yesterday. And that's what it's about.
The crunches start feeling good, you look forward to lifting weights, running makes you feel like you're high, you start FEELING healthy. You start
feeling happy. Then you want to be stronger. You have milestones. You want to run as much as people in marathons do. You want to do a video without stopping to breathe
like the people in it don't, you want to be fitter. You love being healthy. You want it all.
From wanting your stomach to look flat, you want it to be tighter, and the muscle tone to show. That is what you want.
And that, is why I need to get my butt on the treadmill and trim it.
And so do you.
We've all lacked. It's not the first time. It's your last.
It's now or never.
You're in this with me, and I'm here.
Let's do it together.
Follow the same week 1 pattern for 3 more days, starting today.
This time,follow it. To the letter.
Then lets jump to week 2.

No matter how much I write, you're the one who needs to do it. This isn't school, we aren't babies. It's your life. Your body. Your health.
If you're still not feeling it, get naked, stand in front of the mirror.
How are you feeling about it now?

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